Siri – “Yes Master”
Siri, what a game changer this is going to be. If you have not see her in action you have to checkout a few of these links as you will be impressed with what she can do to improve your time usage. In this day and age Siri is a breath of fresh air to be able to just talk to my technology and have to perform most of the time. In the little time that I have spent with her she has give me a few time saving events.
What I hope to do is just to make a few posts listing just one topic of how I use my assistant who calls me “master” as she goes about helping my day. You can have her call you anything you want so be careful but just hold down the home button and when she wakes up,
“Call me master”
Then she will obey till you dream up another title that you wish to be called. I truly believe this will be a major change in the direction of technology and this is only the first of many devices that will have such ability. We will have:
- iMicrowave – cook on high for a minute and a half
- iCoffee – please turn on at 6:30AM
- iTv – but that is already arrived, show me all the football games on today
- iOven – cook for 3 hours ending at 6:30 for dinner
- iThermaStat – please make it warmer
- iCarwarmer – please warm my car leaving at 8AM
The list could go on forever! Let’s just start one thing at a time and mover forward. So give Siri what you want to call you and stay tuned for the next topic…